A course in digital and analog electronics using microcontrollers and microcomputers based on Arduino UNO and Raspberry Pi
A course in digital and analog electronics using microcontrollers and microcomputers based on Arduino UNO and Raspberry Pi ( Allen Gifted and Talented)
This course introduces students to fundamentals of Digital and analog electronics and Controls using a general-purpose micro controller advancing all the way to use of a general-purpose microcomputer for development and deployment of complex monitoring and control Apps.
Topics covered:
- Basics of an electronic circuit
- Digital and analog electronics and programing for sensing and control of various components including sensors and electrical drives
– Ultrasonic Sensor
– Stepper Motor
– Matrix and seven segment Display
- Implement various monitoring and control schemes using Arduio UNO
– Monitoring temperature and control an artificial eco system
– Encoder based displacement measurement and control a Robotic arm
- Use Visual Studio Community Edition to develop a Windows 10 APP and deploy it on Raspberry Pi
- Develop and Deploy an app on Raspberyy Pi
Instructor will provide the electronic components, Arduino and Raspberry Pi in class only for instructional session.
- Class 1 Slides : ArduinoBasicsAG2018C1
- Class 3 Slides, Seven Segment Display : AllenG2018SevenSegment