Courses offered at Stem and Robotics Academy
Location : Suite 312, 4674 McDermott Rd, PLANO, TX, 75024
STEM and Robotics Academy, distinguishes itself in STEM education with its proven Excellence. Ours Robotics and Research teams have excelled through all levels of advancements in competitive Robotics such as First Programs (FLL, FTC) and VEX-Robotics. Our teams have advanced to and won awards at World Championships multiple years in a Row. Our students have presented their research at Reputed conferences and come up with Patentable ideas. We are Glad to offer many enrichment programs in STEM education. signup for the Tour of the center and Know more about our programs.
Courses Offered
- Robotics Beginner
- Robotics Intermediate
- Robotics Advanced
- Electronics : Digital, Analog and microcontrollers
- Electronics advanced topics in Communications and IoT
- Programming : Java AP, C, C++
- How Things Work: Cars, Electrical Machines, 3D printer, Optical Systems, Electrical Machines
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Tel: 469 562 2015