A course in digital and analog electronics and controls using microcontrollers and microcomputers based on Arduino UNO and Raspberry Pi
This course introduces students to fundamentals of Digital and analog electronics and Controls using a general-purpose micro controller advancing all the way to use of a general-purpose microcomputer for development and deployment of complex monitoring and control Apps.
Topics covered:
1. Basics of an electronic circuit
2. Digital and analog electronics and programing for sensing and control of various components including sensors and electrical drives
– Ultrasonic Sensor
– Stepper Motor
– Matrix and seven segment Display
3. Implement various monitoring and control schemes using Arduio UNO
– Monitoring temperature and control an artificial eco system
– Encoder based displacement measurement and control a Robotic arm
4. Use Visual Studio Community Edition to develop a Windows 10 APP and deploy it on Raspberry Pi
5. Develop and Deploy an app for weather monitoring on Raspberyy Pi
Jan – 23,30
Feb – 6,13
March – 13,20,27
April – 3,10,17
Time: 7:30-8:30 PM
Location: Cheatham Elementary, 1501 Hopewell Drive, Allen-75013 (classes will be held in cafeteria)
Class requirement: a personal laptop
Class Notes:
1. Class1
2. Class 3: SevenSegment Display
3. Arduino Software installation link
4. Class 5 : MOTORS ( DC and Stepper Motor)
5. Rotary Encoders and Photo Sensor
6. Keyboard Input